The rabbit was positioned in sternal recumbency on a towel over a warming blanket.i The rabbit's head was placed over the dentistry board with the mouth elevated and held open with a dental head support.j Anesthesia was monitored with a capnographk and indirect blood pressure determination.l The pharynx was packed with moistened gauze. R= Right. This can be related to factors such as difficulty in removing all the abscessed tissue due to location, the inability of antibiotics in the blood to penetrate the abscess wall, draining tracts coming off the abscess, and the possibility that the underlying cause was not treated. If the cause of an abscess cannot be treated, there is a moderate to high probability it will return after treatment. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. The rabbit was hospitalized for supportive care overnight and was scheduled for elective surgery for tooth removal and abscess debridement the following day. Generalized muscle atrophy and bilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge with severe exophthalmia of the left globe were observed. I agree. CAB Direct Similar endoscopic techniques performed with an intraoral camera system have been reported in human and equine dentistry.29 In the rabbit of the present report, a 2.7-mm telescope permitted detailed examination and assisted in successful tooth extraction and abscess debridement. Unlike dog and cat pus (exudate), rabbit exudate is thick and semi-solid, much like toothpaste, making it difficult to flush. Microbiological and molecular analysis of endodontic infections. The symptoms that are present with a retrobulbar abscess in dogs will prompt a thorough eye exam to be completed. January 2010; Der Praktische Tierarzt 91(1):14-22 Recommended surgical treatment of such abscesses involves complete excision of the lesion, aggressive debridement of affected bone [3] , and removal of associated teeth or tooth fragments [1] . Usually an abscess is the result of a bacterial infection. The kindest thing in this case was euthanasia. Occasionally this can be curative, but since the origin of the problem is very often related to dental disease, this will also need to be addressed. . If you would like to receive a complimentary trial across your entire clinic/practice/team, please complete the practice form opposite and submit then a member of our team will be in touch to arrange this for you. The retrobulbar space is the area just behind the eye. . Skin and subcutaneous abscesses are frequently observed in rabbits. The site is secure. height: 10px; Most rabbit abscess cases will require the use of oral or injectable antibiotics. display: flex; A blood sample (2.5 mL) was collected from the central auricular artery. }. I just took this photo of heryou can really see the difference. If clinical resolution is not gained, enucleation may be performed instead. Antimicrobials were flushed into the tooth abscess cavity, and antimicrobial treatment was initiated on the basis of cytologic findings and results of bacterial culture and susceptibility testing.Two months after the initial surgery, minimal exophthalmia was evident and no further physical, radiographic, or ultrasonographic changes were evident. You may have to add another antibiotic to the bicillin regimen, or change. Although this radiograph shows a true DV view of the maxilla, the mandible was deliberately pushed away from the side of the . Clinical findings: Uh oh. Capello V. Endoscopic assessment and treatment of cheek teeth malocclusion in pet rabbits. Endod Top 2004;7:3551. After seeing her regular vet, he suspected an abscess but wanted the eye to be ultrasounded, so we went to see an ophth specialist. This can lead to problems when the abscess is located within the region of the eye, since the location is hard to successfully operate on, and the case is frequently difficult to cure. A reticulocyte index was not performed in conjunction with the initial blood analyses; however, a sign of RBC regeneration (ie, polychromasia) was detected. A case report and review of the literature. 97. These findings were consistent with severe dental disease3 (Figure 1). Stomatoscopy is a valuable technique that can facilitate diagnosis, treatment, and serial reevaluation of rabbits with dental disease. How will my vet diagnose a retrobulbar abscess. Appreciate species differences in ocular anatomy . . J Vet Dent 1991;8:1117. Antimicrobials were flushed into the tooth abscess cavity, and antimicrobial treatment was initiated on the basis of cytologic findings and results of bacterial culture and susceptibility testing. National Library of Medicine Stomatoscopy revealed minor elongation of and a lingual spur associated with the left mandibular fourth premolar, which was reduced by use of a rotary power tooln and a dental burr. The left maxillary second molar was found to be loose, and exudate emanated from the gingival margin around it (Figure 3). Take a look at our filter for Evidence Synthesis! Epub 2019 Oct 9. It is not always possible to surgically remove an abscess due to its location, other disease (making anesthesia or a lengthy surgery dangerous) or financial restraints. . Just days after we had to put our little Snow to sleep Daria suddenly started being a picky eater. Diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of dental disease in pet rabbits. 2005 Jan 15;130(2):50-3. Kelleher SA. For Librarians:Integration of your institutional LibKey profile with CAB Direct is very quick and easy! Rabbits can suffer from infections of the upper respiratory tract (the sinuses and other parts of the tract that are not actually parts of the lungs), and this is usually manifested as runny nose, runny eyes and sneezing. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Indian J Ophthalmol 2000;48:129134. Rabbits are also prone to retrobulbar abscesses often associated with Pasteurella multocida; abscesses often form as an extension from dental disease (Jakl, 2012). Due to the close apposition of the globe to the posterior dental molar roots , dental disease and root infection can lead to severe exophthalmos. Above all, antibiotic-containing implants, which are introduced into the abscess cavity, show a high success rate. Abscesses that develop behind the eye are known as retrobulbar abscesses. background: #EBF6F7; Notice the soft tissue mass representing the exophthalmic left eye (white arrow) and the abnormally located left maxillary molar (black arrow). She will remin on the antibiotics for some time and we will keep a close watch for future abscesses. Practice repositioning of proptosed globe and drainage of retrobulbar abscess via pterygopalatine fossa . For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This article describes the diagnosis, surgical treatment, and long-term management of an extensive abscess located within the right maxilla and retrobulbar space of a domestic rabbit. CAB Direct now works with LibKey! Sevoflurane (7%) in oxygen was delivered by means of a face mask in a Norman elbow nonrebreathing systemb to induce anesthesia, and 2% to 3% isoflurane was administered for anesthetic maintenance. The link was not copied. Endoscopic examination was performed with a 5-mm, 0 otoendoscope and a 2.7-mm, 30 Hopkins telescope attached to a xenon light source via a fiber-optic cable and a camera providing video feed to a monitor.4,m Digital video and still images were captured with a documentation system. Antonyms for retroarticular abscess. Related Images. Ophthalmic diseases. and transmitted securely. It should be stressed, however, that no matter what treatment is chosen, it is vital to provide your pet with a healthy diet, daily exercise and a clean environment to enable the immune system to function at full capacity. Retrobulbar abscesses in rabbits cause exophthalmos withdrying keratitis, as well as periorbital inflammation. Corneal diseases of rabbits. Hematologic analysis revealed normochromic macrocytic anemia with moderate anisocytosis and severe polychromasia: Hct was 25% (reference range, 30% to 50%), RBC count was 3.33 106 RBCs/L (reference range, 4 to 8 106 RBCs/L), hemoglobin concentration was 8.1 g/dL (reference range, 8.0 to 17.5 g/dL), mean corpuscular volume was 75 fL (reference range, 58.0 to 66.5 fL), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration was 32.4 g/dL (reference range, 29 to 37 g/dL).1,2 The WBC count was slightly high at 12.7 103 leukocytes/L (reference range, 5 to 12 103 leukocytes/L), and apart from mild neutrophilia (61%; reference range, 33% to 55%), the leukocyte differential was within reference range.1,2 Results of plasma biochemical analyses were within reference ranges, and there was no serum antiP multocida antibody titer. However, this does not mean that if you see a lump on your rabbits body that you should ignore it. Abscesses that form internally can be more difficult to diagnose or manage and include areas such as the uterus, lungs, heart, liver, abdominal fat, intestine and kidneys. Selected drug dosages and clinical reference data. Dorsoventral (a) and right dorsalleft ventral oblique (b) radiographic views of the head of a rabbit examined because of unilateral exophthalmia and a history of a draining sinus in the left maxillary area of the face. Dorsoventral view of the skull of a rabbit with a retrobulbar abscess. In many cases, enucleation is required to access the diseased tissues. It will often be necessary to perform diagnostic tests to investigate the cause of the abscess and to determine if other disease is present. A concurrent medical . retrobulbar abscess; -Otitis media or interna - caused by bacteria or yeast entering the middle or The accumulated fluid in the tear duct is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and an abscess can form easily. Case description: complications from abscess. In:Lemox AM, ed.Rabbit and rodent dentistry handbook. Abscesses (rabbits), in Proccedings. 2005 Jan 15;130(2):50-3. Retrobulbar abscessation is the most common orbital disease of rabbits, and the lesions are notoriously difficult to treat successfully. Retrobulbar abscessation is the most common orbital disease of rabbits, and the lesions are notoriously difficult to treat successfully. If the abscess is retrobulbar, it mean the pus has collected behind the eye. Date Reviewed/Revised: 01/05/2012. The bacteria can hitch a ride on such objects. Consult with a rabbit knowledgeable veterinarian who will be familiar with the various options. Causes of exophthalmia include orbital or retroorbital abscess, cellulitis, neoplasia, hematoma, orbital cyst (including Taenia serialis cyst), retrobulbar fat prolapse, salivary mucocele, myositis, lacrimal gland disease, foreign body, granuloma, and trauma.7-10 Exophthalmia must be distinguished from buphthalmia secondary to congenital glaucoma or other diseases such as uveitis, trauma, tumors, or Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection.11,12 Retrobulbar disease is the most common cause of exophthalmia in rabbits.7,12 Retrobulbar abscesses may be the result of endodontic infection, penetrating foreign bodies, local injury, or spread of infection from the bloodstream.13, Understanding rabbit dental anatomy and physiology is essential to diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of conditions involving the oral cavity. Ultrasonography (scan) of the eye can be performed when the animal is conscious or under light sedation depending on the nature of the animal. Physical examination revealed generalized muscle atrophy, bilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge, and severe left-sided exophthalmia. Case DescriptionA 1-year-old sexually intact female Netherland dwarf rabbit was examined because of a 3-week history of signs of lethargy, decreased appetite, left unilateral exophthalmia, a previous draining sinus from a left maxillary facial abscess, and bilateral nasal discharge. Vet Clin North Am Exot Anim Pract 1994;24:2565. MeSH J Vet Dent 1995;12:137140. This image shows the left upper arcade of cheek teeth in the mouth of a rabbit with a retrobulbar abscess affecting the left eye. Abnormal ocular or oculonasal discharge can also develop as a consequence of the eye irritation and the rabbit may show signs of discomfort such as excessive blinking and grinding teeth. Copyright 2012 2012 by Susan Brown, DVM. Exotic DVM 1 (3), 83-88. Can Vet J 2002;43:385390. In 1938, Derry's summary [49] indicated that the earliest occurrence dated to 3300 bc, although Morse et al. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Figure-4. Orbit and globe. means you agree to our use of cookies.